Municipal Council of Government


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The Municipal Assembly of People's Power for the exercise of its functions, relies on its work commissions, on popular councils, on the initiative and broad participation of the population, and acts in close coordination with the mass and social organizations, as to article 192 of the Constitution of the Republic.

Our Assembly, attending to the specific interests of the locality and in order to be assisted in carrying out the activities and especially to exercise control of the entities of municipal subordination, as stated in the governing documents, created the Permanent Commissions of Following work:

  1. Permanent Labor Commission to attend to Economic Affairs and Investments
  2. Permanent Labor Commission to attend to Local Bodies, Legality, Internal Order and Defense
  3. Permanent Work Commission to attend Culture, Education, Health, Community, Environment and CITMA
  4. Permanent Commission of Work to attend the Production, commercialization of foods and the Services

To direct the Municipal Administration, the Municipal Assembly of People's Power designates the Municipal Administration Council, which is subordinated to and accounts for its management. It maintains relations of cooperation, coordination, and especially control and supervision in relation to its acts of government.



Our Municipal Assembly of the Popular Power of Imías is integrated by 42 delegates. Of these 10 women and 32 men, 30 are members of the PCC and 4 of the UJC. 9 are peasants and 7 are combatants. The level of university education (71.4%) predominates, with an average age of 46.2 and 85.7% are mestizos.

Composition of the Municipal Assembly of People's Power


Vilmayda Machado Londres



Yaniet Cobas

Vice president


Jose Laffita Londres


Deputies to the National Assembly of People's Power


Yudisley Cueto García



María Isabel Chivas Duncan
